Piesaskylä birdwatching tower
The wide fields of Piesaskylä smelt early in the spring and are thus ideal resting place for migratory birds. The high and shielted tower built in 2005 offers great place for watching birds. Among the species of birds spotted on the area are Pink-footed Geese.
Pien-Hettee's birdwatching tower
The tower built in 1994 is situated on the shore of a pond surrounded by fields and forests. The pond area attracts waterfowls, like Whooper Swans, and sandpipers. Bird catalogues, books and research material offered in the tower. There is place only for one spotting scope with tripod.
Lahnajärvi birdwatching tower
Lake Lahnajärvi is situated in the area which is characterised by eskers. The bird species which can be spotted from the tower built in 2004 include among others Goldeneye, Tufted Duck, Whooper Swan, Mallard, Wigeon and many sandpipers. The variety of bird species during migration seasons is very abundant.
Sallistensuo birdwatching tower
Sallistensuo is situated on the board area between Jyväskylä and Petäjävesi. The birdwatching tower built in 2004 offers possibility to spot among others Cranes, gulls, hawks, owls and small birds.