The Old Church of Petäjävesi – Become fascinated of the beauty and colourful history of the World Heritage Church!
The Old Church of Petäjävesi is an impressive example of northern wooden architecture. In 1994 the church was inscribed in Unesco World Heritage List as a representative of the long Scandinavian tradition of skill in wooden architecture and timber structures. Welcome to visit the church that has thousands of visitors annually from all over the world!
The church is open for visits daily during the summer season, from June to August. In winter, the church is opened only by prior reservation.
(See the opening times on the website.)
Petäjävesi Old Church
Instagram: petajavesioldchurch
Information and reservation: World Heritage coordinator of the Old Church tel: + 358 40 582 2461,
The Old Church is a popular wedding church, reservations tel. +358 400 816 385
Road Traffic Museum of Central Finland – visiting site for the whole family!How did the old food car or inspection station look like? Museum contains a vast number of exhibits that illustrate the history of the road traffic.
The history of the road traffic before cars is longer than you could think of, and thus the exhibition includes also horse-drawn vehicles!
Open summertime 1.-30.7 Tue-Sun 12-18 (Mon closed). Open on winter season for groups by agreement.
Museotie 18, Kintaus. Reservations Risto Höylä tel. +358 (0)40-571 7680
Radio and Telephone Museum - What kinds of telephones were there before mobile phones?
The vast collection of Petäjävesi Radio and Telephone Museum consists items from private collections. Five local collectors combined their collections in 1994 and put them on display at the former nursing home of Petäjävesi. Museum is supported by Society of Old communication devises of Petäjävesi.
The main goal of the museum is to preserve the electronic communication history of Finland. The collection includes over 3000 recorded items. The oldest radio is from the year 1924, oldest thermionic (radio) valve from 1918 and the oldest telephone from 1880.
Tel. +358 440 732 813